Wednesday, January 16, 2013

My Last Class

Today day was an amazing last class Madison brought in doughnuts they were amazing. The finally  was not that hard and I am really going to miss Mr. Schick and everyone in my class next semester

Monday, January 14, 2013

Class Grade

I think for a class grade I think I would get a 80% this is because I answer when I need to and when I had a question, but I'm not one that goes out of my way to talk because that's not me.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Friday in Human Geo finished Guns, Germs, and Steel. These are the notes I got…
-There are only 14 domestic animals that can be used for labor, and they are Goats, Sheep, Horses, Pigs, Donkeys, Bactrian camels, Arabian camels, water buffalos, llamas, reindeer, Yaks, mithans, bail cattle, caves.
-None of the animals above are native to the lands they are not located in
- South America; Lammas
- Middle East; Calves, Sheep, goats
-Who ever lived in the Fertile Crescent was blessed because of the rich soil.    
-Steel changed the world.
-Ng never developed new technology
- This is because all their time and energy went in to finding food
-In the US 120million tons of wheat is used each year
- That’s 133lbs per person
- There are 100 million cows in the US
-The Answer to Yoli’s question is that it all depends of your geographic location

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Today in human geo we talked about lock downs. Mr. Schick talked about how he is positive that we will never have a shooting in this school. I agree with him. This school seems and is so safe and protected from what I can see. Even with that being said you should still practice. You think the teachers at Sandy Hook knew what to do by luck (the correct answer to this question is no). No they didn't it took practice and drill to get them to that point yes people still died but it could have been worse. Then we talked about how to handle these situations you turn out the lights and huddle in a corner in complete silent, and wait until you’re told otherwise.  Mr. Schick told us he is not trying to scare us just help us be prepared. I’m not too worried, this is because if you live your life in fear you will get know where.   

Monday, January 7, 2013

Today in Human Geo we continued Guns, e, and Steel.
·         All great civilizations  have had something in common
o   Advanced Technology
o   Large populations
o   Well organized work forces
·         Men hunt and it takes more time
·         Women gather
·         Wheat and barley grow in the middle east, and it is better for you
·         During a thousand year drought people had to work harder to find food
·         Draa was the first ever village
o   With oval huts
o   Frist time people ever lived together
o   This happened 11 ½ thousand years ago
o   Right at the end of the drought
o   This village had the first granary
o   Middle had the first famers
o   Humans messing with plants- domestication
·         China grew rice
·          America’s grew corn, squash, and beans
·         Africa grew sorghum, millet, and yams

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Jared Diamond

Jared Diamond
Jared Diamond is a professor of geography at the University of California, which is located in Los Angles. He is also an author; he written Gun, Germs, and Steel and “How Societies Choose to fail or Succeed.” He won Pulitzer Prize as well a British award. Diamond is a recipient of a MacArthur Foundation Fellowship. He has made 22 or more trips to New Guinea. Born in Boston Massachusetts September 10, 1937, known for combining different fields into one. Travel to unknown places to study birds, but ended up studying the natives. Mr. Diamond is important with what we are learning because of the way he pieced different facts together. Then he listened to the disagreement then corrected his work.
Gun, Germs, and Steel
Frist published on March 1 1997. In this book Diamond focused on the physical geography of the world.  It talks about the natural thing in the world, like animals, plants, and yes us. He talks about how we have evolved in everything, like the military. Even if they did not have a full blow military we could us guns and weapons to fight.  For example Christopher Columbus did this to the natives. The germs part of this is that story is how we have advanced in fighting sicknesses. An example used in the book is the small pox. How some civilizations have progressed and others have not.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Today in HG we started our presentations. I learned a lot about the relationship between US and foreign countries; we also had some fun with them. People also asked a lot of great question. The weird thing is almost everything people picked were car dealers.