Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Today in human geo we talked about lock downs. Mr. Schick talked about how he is positive that we will never have a shooting in this school. I agree with him. This school seems and is so safe and protected from what I can see. Even with that being said you should still practice. You think the teachers at Sandy Hook knew what to do by luck (the correct answer to this question is no). No they didn't it took practice and drill to get them to that point yes people still died but it could have been worse. Then we talked about how to handle these situations you turn out the lights and huddle in a corner in complete silent, and wait until you’re told otherwise.  Mr. Schick told us he is not trying to scare us just help us be prepared. I’m not too worried, this is because if you live your life in fear you will get know where.   

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