Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Message to Garcia

Today in Human Geo today we read a message to Garcia. This story is about how President McKinley asked and asked who could take a message to Garcia. A man came to McKinley and said there is this man named Rowan who says he knows where Garcia is. Rowan took the message without question on where he was going, he just took the letter and left. Rowan was not like must people than and even today. If you were to ask people today to go and look up the life of Correggio they would say why can’t you do it, who is that, etc. In class we also talked about the writer of a message to Garcia, Elbert Hubbard. Elbert was born in June 19 1857; he married in June of 1881. Strange enough Elbert wrote about a couple on the Titanic. When the Titanic was sinking they told women and kids on lifeboats first then men, but this couple refused to leave each other’s side so they stood on the boat holding hands as it sunk. Then a couple years later Elbert and his wife were on the Lusitania when it was struck by a torpedo. Elbert and his wife did not wasn’t to be separated so they locked themselves in a bedroom and held hand as it sunk, just like the couple he wrote about. Weird right.

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