Monday, August 27, 2012

            Today in Human Geo we talked about the syllabus. This is telling us what to expect in this class, plus how the grading works, what we need for this class, how he deals with late work and absences. It was nice that Mr. Schick took the time to go over that, because even though I read it over the weekend, he gave a little more description and clarification on different things. I found out just by participating I can improve my overall grade.  The test will still make a bigger impact than participating, but participation still counts. After we went over the syllabus, Mr. Schick helped anyone who was having trouble with their blog. Funny enough I happened to be one of those people, but Mr. Schick and I fixed the problem quickly.  After today’s class, I feel much more comfortable than I did Thursday and can’t wait for the year ahead of me.

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