Friday, October 19, 2012

Quiz Questions

                                                                                        Quiz Questions                                   

1.       What is the business language of the world?

2.       What are two examples of countries that peacefully merge with other ethnic groups, what are two that do not merge?

3.       Name the founders of Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism?

4.       What did Columbus have to do to take over the America’s?

5.       Give three examples of cultural characteristics?

6.       Put the number on the line the correct order for the Eightfold Paths?






1.       English

2.       Part 1; USA, Switzerland. Part 2; Korea, Japan

3.       Christianity; Jesus, Islam; Muhammad, Buddhism; Siddhartha Gautama a.k.a Budda.

4.        He had to take over the Indian’s.

5.       Language, Religion, and Ethnic Heritage.

6.       7.Mindfulness becomes concentration

3. Speech becomes actions

5. Livelihood becomes effort

1. Views become intentions

6. Efforts become mindfulness

2. Intentions become speech

4. Actions become livelihood

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Today in HG we just about finished up the World Religion. The Islamic religion was founded in 622 AD. Islam is a monotheistic religion just like the rest of its fellow Abrahamic religions. Muhammad is the founder and lived 570-632 AD; people say Muhammad was inspired by God himself. All the information was written down in a holy book know as Koran or Qur’an. There are about 1.7 billion Muslims in the world. People make trips Mecca and Medina. This is located in Saudi Arabia. Then there is Buddhism; the founder is Siddhartha Gautama, and he lived 563-483 BC. He was also known as Buddu. He enlightened suffering among sentient beings. He wanted to eliminate craving. Nirvana; is the highest happiness, Budda mean “the enlightened one”; Buddhism is neither monotheistic nor polytheistic. They do not have a holy book, but they do believe in the Four Noble Truths, they believe that suffering can be ended by following the Eightfold Path. This religion is centered is may place and has 376 million followers. Views become speech, speech becomes actions, actions become livelihood, livelihood becomes effort, effort becomes mindfulness, and mindfulness becomes concentration. Finally we worked on Hinduism. This is one of the oldest religions, it is the most diverse, and “unlike other religions in the world they don’t claim anyone God”. They do not follow anyone act of religion rights. 960 million followers, oldest monotheistic surviving religion dates back 3000 years ago to the convent between God and his people.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Today in HG we continued with Mr. Schick’s PowerPoint. We started with Religion. There are five major religions. Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, and Islam. Some notes on Christianity it was founded after Jesus’s death. Jesus lived 5 BC- 35 AD. Saul/Paul spread the word about Jesus’s teachings. God is one is three person: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. There are over 2.2 billion followers throughout the world. Most of the followers are in Europe, the Americas, and the southern Africa. Jesus Christ is the central figure (historically). The Pope is the central figure (currently). Then we started Islam. This religion was founded in 622 AD. Islam is a monotheistic religion just like the rest of its fellow Abrahamic religion. Some other notes we took were religion is the cause of most wars. USA and Switzerland can peacefully merge with other ethnic groups. Were Korea, Japan doesn’t want to merge ethnic groups. They don’t want other people to be in their classrooms and jobs.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Today in class we did a mini research project on five of the largest world religions. Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Judaism. There were six questions we had to answer for every religion. First question with answer; When and where was this religion founded?  Answers; Christianity, Christianity was founded in about the 1st century. The stating place of Christianity was the Middle East; Jesus was the starter of Christianity. Islam, The Islam religion was founded in the 600s. Buddhism was founded in 460 AD in Kapilavastu. Hinduism was founded in 1500-500 BC in a place called Seven Sages. Finally there is Judaism. Judaism was founded by Abraham about 2000BC. The next question, Is it monotheistic or polytheistic? Christianity is monotheistic. Islam is monotheistic. Buddhism is nontheists, which mean they do not worship anyone. Hinduism is monotheistic. Finally Judaism is monotheistic. Then question three was, If they have a holy book, what is it? Christians have a holy book, it is called the bible. Islam’s do not have a holy book just psalm. Buddhism does not have a holy book, but Hinduism and Judaism do. The forth question is How many followers does this religion claim? 33.35% of the world is Christian believers. 21% is Islamic, 6% is Buddhism, 14% is Hinduism, and finally .22% is Judaism. The fifth question is who is the central figure of this religion? Jesus is the Christians and Islamic figure. Buddhism’s figure is Buddha. Hinduism has no one figure. Finally there is Judaism who’s figure is Abraham. The final question is what in the geographical concentration of this religion? Christianity such a widespread religion that there is no central location. Islam India is the third largest Islamic populated country. Buddhism’s GC is in central Tarai. Hinduism’s GC is Nepal. Finally last but not least Judaism’s GC is the USA.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Today we finished up our presentations. Then Mr. Schick started his. The first thing we talked about was a “What do you call soft drinks?” This was a survey on the USA and if you called soft drinks; soda, pop, coke, or other.   It was amazing to see they different ways of saying one common thing. They did a survey for a few people per county. It was very neat to see all of the different colors in some states because of all the people who have moved into that state. Then we talked about language in each country.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Today in HG we went over our presentations. There are three groups Native Americans(My group), Vikings, and Christopher Columbus. Some notes from presentations are; Scientist can date feces back to 14,300 years ago.  The Native Americans entered at two spots, the North America Coastline and the Rocky Mountains.  Then there are the Vikings; The Vikings did not concur the Americas. This is because they did not find any values in the land. The Viking where not sent they came on their own. They stayed in the Americas from 100AD- 14th Century which is about 350 years. The Vikings took care of their own land but trashed and burned very one else. Why I’m not sure.  Finally there was Christopher Columbus. He sailed to the Americas in 1492. The first landed in the Bahamas. They completed 4 voyages back and forth from England and the Americas. Columbus was not the first to the Americas even though everyone said he was. Plus Columbus captured many Indians.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Today in HG we got our test back from Friday. I was pretty nervous because even though I was open blog I did not have enough notes in my blog so it was all form memory. This was a warning that I need to put more of that days notes in to my blogs. After we went over the test we talked about when Mr. Schick was a kid and how they got off on Columbus Day. Also, how they were taught more about him in school. Of course after Mr. Schick finished his story there was still more to come. We got assigned us a one day project. We went in to groups of 8 or 9 and pick Vikings, Indians, or Columbus. I am in the Indians group and there were eight questions. We were to use Google Drive and make a presentation. This is a nice thing because we can all work on one thing at once and not even be together.  

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Today in HG Carly had shadow, Delany. She goes to St. Margret and does gymnastics. Then Mr. Schick let everyone ask questions. After a few minutes of that we started to talk about the links we found yesterday. There were a lot of cool links. For example walk for Sudan which is like a walk for cancer but the money goes to Sudan instead. Then there is Pencils for Promises. This is where you donate money to help them build schools where it is needed. We also talked about how if we wanted John to come and speak to us we would have to pay anywhere from $6,000-$10,000 plus the cost to fly him and his hotel. Mr. Schick thinks that we should try something else but most of the class disagrees. This is because maybe John could say with a host family or we could ask Panther because we may be able to have him come for less.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Today in class we continued to give ideas about how we can help different organization. Then Mr. Schick had us brake into groups and see how many we could come up in each group. The organization I found is used to raise money and then donate books to those who need them. I found this pretty neat because there are a lot of people who need book for school. Then Mr. Schick was telling us about an organization that for $400.00 you get a lap top and so does someone in Africa, Asia, and any other place that needs one. Mr. Schick said one year they raised enough money for 15 laptops, but instead of JC taking some they received one and gave the rest away. I thought that that was pretty cool. I have seen them on TV before. They said something like enter to win and someone in Africa will get on to. I never entered because I’m not that lucky when it comes to contest, but I always found it cool that they gave two laptops away.



Monday, October 1, 2012

Today in human geo we finally finished the movie.  It was a very interesting movie, to bad things did turn out good for Daniel. I mean john got to see his mother and sister for the first time in 17 years. Plus he is starting a medical clinic. Then there is Panther graduated high school and got a batchers plus he went on for more. Once he had enough money he went back home and married his girlfriend plus he is now working on trying to start a school in Africa.  I mean that is just like happy ever after for the two of them. The sad thing is Daniel never found his family, but at least he is progressing in life in the USA. After the movie we talked about ways we could help. For example people said raise money, contact john and see if he would come to JC and talk to us. Finally we had to look up and see if there are any organizations that we help give thing to help those people who have not had the chance to come to the USA.  So this is what I found, this website has multiple thins we can do to help. For example on of the ways is through different organizations. Hopefully we can find ways to help these incent boys.