Monday, October 8, 2012

Today in HG we got our test back from Friday. I was pretty nervous because even though I was open blog I did not have enough notes in my blog so it was all form memory. This was a warning that I need to put more of that days notes in to my blogs. After we went over the test we talked about when Mr. Schick was a kid and how they got off on Columbus Day. Also, how they were taught more about him in school. Of course after Mr. Schick finished his story there was still more to come. We got assigned us a one day project. We went in to groups of 8 or 9 and pick Vikings, Indians, or Columbus. I am in the Indians group and there were eight questions. We were to use Google Drive and make a presentation. This is a nice thing because we can all work on one thing at once and not even be together.  

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