Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Today in HG we went over our presentations. There are three groups Native Americans(My group), Vikings, and Christopher Columbus. Some notes from presentations are; Scientist can date feces back to 14,300 years ago.  The Native Americans entered at two spots, the North America Coastline and the Rocky Mountains.  Then there are the Vikings; The Vikings did not concur the Americas. This is because they did not find any values in the land. The Viking where not sent they came on their own. They stayed in the Americas from 100AD- 14th Century which is about 350 years. The Vikings took care of their own land but trashed and burned very one else. Why I’m not sure.  Finally there was Christopher Columbus. He sailed to the Americas in 1492. The first landed in the Bahamas. They completed 4 voyages back and forth from England and the Americas. Columbus was not the first to the Americas even though everyone said he was. Plus Columbus captured many Indians.

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