Thursday, October 18, 2012

Today in HG we just about finished up the World Religion. The Islamic religion was founded in 622 AD. Islam is a monotheistic religion just like the rest of its fellow Abrahamic religions. Muhammad is the founder and lived 570-632 AD; people say Muhammad was inspired by God himself. All the information was written down in a holy book know as Koran or Qur’an. There are about 1.7 billion Muslims in the world. People make trips Mecca and Medina. This is located in Saudi Arabia. Then there is Buddhism; the founder is Siddhartha Gautama, and he lived 563-483 BC. He was also known as Buddu. He enlightened suffering among sentient beings. He wanted to eliminate craving. Nirvana; is the highest happiness, Budda mean “the enlightened one”; Buddhism is neither monotheistic nor polytheistic. They do not have a holy book, but they do believe in the Four Noble Truths, they believe that suffering can be ended by following the Eightfold Path. This religion is centered is may place and has 376 million followers. Views become speech, speech becomes actions, actions become livelihood, livelihood becomes effort, effort becomes mindfulness, and mindfulness becomes concentration. Finally we worked on Hinduism. This is one of the oldest religions, it is the most diverse, and “unlike other religions in the world they don’t claim anyone God”. They do not follow anyone act of religion rights. 960 million followers, oldest monotheistic surviving religion dates back 3000 years ago to the convent between God and his people.

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