Monday, October 15, 2012

Today in HG we continued with Mr. Schick’s PowerPoint. We started with Religion. There are five major religions. Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, and Islam. Some notes on Christianity it was founded after Jesus’s death. Jesus lived 5 BC- 35 AD. Saul/Paul spread the word about Jesus’s teachings. God is one is three person: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. There are over 2.2 billion followers throughout the world. Most of the followers are in Europe, the Americas, and the southern Africa. Jesus Christ is the central figure (historically). The Pope is the central figure (currently). Then we started Islam. This religion was founded in 622 AD. Islam is a monotheistic religion just like the rest of its fellow Abrahamic religion. Some other notes we took were religion is the cause of most wars. USA and Switzerland can peacefully merge with other ethnic groups. Were Korea, Japan doesn’t want to merge ethnic groups. They don’t want other people to be in their classrooms and jobs.

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