Saturday, September 29, 2012

Yesterday in class we continued the movie, after Mr. Schick returned from his field trip. We were in class for 15 minutes by ourselves but when teacher did walk in we got complements on our response to being unsupervised. We even had someone class the office to let them know we had no teacher. The movie was getting very good. They talked about Christmas in their village and the difference between ours and theirs. They don’t get presents they just enjoy each other. It was also neat to see the fact that they all were getting jobs. It was kind of weird that they got up to three jobs were some people in America can barely get one.  I guess that goes to show when you’re trying to help people you love you might expect less but get more out of it. For example when John finally heard from his parents he stopped going to school and got a third job so he could send them money.  That goes to show hard work does pay off.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Today in HG stated to watch the movie again. I found the movie When God Grew of us.  It is sad what is happening to all of these people. I wish people did not have to be so harsh.  I was happy for those chosen to come to America. It was kind of funny watching them adjust to everything. Like when they were on the plane and eating the butter plain. I thought that was strange how nobody said anything to them when they did they wrong thing. I mean I get the fact that they are trying to get them to learn on their own but still, when we were younger we had our parents tell us right from wrong. Well they don’t have parents, but they still need the help. How are you supposed to know right from wrong if no one tells you? Either way I can’t wait to watch more tomorrow.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Today day in Human geo we took our first quiz. I was very nervous at first because I did my best to study but I could not remember everything.  I was freaking out because I did not want to fail and have my grade drop. Once he handed it out I skimmed it and thought to myself this will not be as bad as I though. I was hoping Mr. Schick would let us use our blogs or notes, but he said no because the class before did not get to so it would not be fair. Once I started I breezed through it. Everything just flowed back into my head. A couple stumped me but I did the bonus so it should help. Once everyone finished we started a movie, “God Grew Tired of Us.” The movie is based off true events that happened less than two decades ago. It was a war between north and south Sudan. It talks about the Lost Boy’s trek and what they when though. It was so sad, but I kind of want to see more. I can’t wait for class on Wednesday so we can keep watching it.  

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Yesterday in class we finished up the last few projects. My group hadn’t finished our on Thursday so we went first. Mr. Schick was in a notice very thing kind of mood. Like the fact that I put the unemployment rate for the ages 14-24 up instead of the unemployment rate if the USA.  Don’t forget the fact that I spelled something wrong. Then when we had the map of India up he pointed out the word that I spelled wrong. Go figure.  After the presentations were finished Mr. Schick started to talk about our quiz on Monday. I think it will be fairly easy only because we have not gone over too much. Also because everything we do in class in on my blog and Mr. Schick has links to the websites we used on his blogger. I think that if I take the time to study everything and don’t rush through I will do fine on his quiz.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Today in Human Geo we started our presentations about the different countries.  We only got two completely finished. My group got to start ours, but then the bell rang. From the groups that went the power points seemed pretty interesting. There was a lot of good fact presented. To my surprise the immigration rates for the two groups that went the numbers were nowhere close to each other. One group was high on the list and the other was really low.  It was neat how everyone set up their slides compared to ours. Some had their in order by person and other by importance to the country. Not that they were not all important, but some people care more about the unemployment rate then the birth rate. Then Mr. Schick started ours and then the time the bell was supposed to ring it never did. So we are up there and everyone was packing up. Finally after three extra minutes the bell finally rang. I think all and all this was one of my favorite classes so far.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Today in class we started on our projects.

Today in class we took notes on Population & Settlement. The first fact is over 7 million people are on the planet, 90% of the population growth is happening in: Africa, South and East Asia, and Latin America. Some of our milestones in population growth are-

·         1 Million in 1804

·         2 Million in 1927

·         3 Million in 1960

·         4 Million in 1974

·         5 Million in 1987

·         6 Million in 1999

·         7 Million in 2011

Then we talked about the life expectancy- the average number of years to lived by a group of people born in the same year. In Monaco it 89.68, US 78.49 and Chad 48.69. This is the longest to the shortest. Crude birth rate- number of deaths per 1000. Crude death rate- Number of deaths per 1000. RNI- subtract the death rate from birth rate. Net immigration- the difference between the number of people entering and leaving a country during a year. Push Factors- War, environment, no work, faith. Pull Factors- Health, faith.
This blog and the two above were posted late beacsue my blog did not start working until this afternoon.

Today in class we went over the video. It was pretty cool hearing everyone’s opinions on the different facts. For example someone thought that it was cool how many tweets are posted a second. Then Mr. Schick ask who had a twitter and if the tweeted anything in the last 24 hours. About seven said they had. Someone else found the one about Facebook pretty interesting, like the fact that it is available in 70 different languages.  Mr. Schick then brought up the fact that someone in one of his other classes said something like there are post that say: if you have brown eyes like. This is every true, after that he asked how many people actually like those post. I think one person said yes. Mr. Schick questioned her because he did not find the point. Her response was “because I do have brown eyes.”   Finally we finished up with fact that we are preparing people for jobs that don’t even exist yet. I found this strange because how can we prepare people for things we don’t even know about yet. I mean we don’t have any idea what the jobs will be but people will be able to apply for that job because they already know how to that job. How is that?


Today in class we finished going over the questions. We got off of topic a little. We were talking about sex and the population of the world. We also talked about how if everyone  had two kids the population would not raise as fast, but since in some countries people can't afford birth control and stuff like that then they end up having five or six kids. We also talked about how women can serve in combat is some countries; also how we are not number one is cellar phones. This makes since because China and India are both larger than the USA which means that they have more people. More people mean more cell phones.  We talked about how less and less people are Roman Catholic in the United States. If you were to go into Mexico though they are more than double our percentage.  Finally we talked about net immigration and if the US is number one. Net immigration is the number of people per thousand that cross the border. Strangely the US is not number one in net immigration it’s not even in the top three. I found this weird because of all the Mexicans that cross the border, but I guess it is better that we are not in the top three. I almost forgot one of the two things is found strange about the video was the amount of kids born in four minutes all over the world. The other was how we are preparing people for jobs that don’t even exist yet. How is that even possible?



Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Today in Mr. Schick’s we went over the homework from Monday night. The homework was answering questions using the CIA world fact book.  After each question Mr. Schick would explain in a little more detail. Then at one point the topic came up about nukes, and how so many countries have then but the US was the only country to actually use them.  The only time we used a nuke was in World War 2 on Japan.  After that Mr. Schick stated to talk about the fact that if someone was to drop one on the capital we would all die because we are in the 200 mile diameter. If you did not think that was depressing it did not just stop with that. Every question that came up had a somewhat depressing story to go along. Like the fact that if we though the unemployment rate was bad right now, it was much worst less than a century ago.  Which means it is totally possible that it could happen again. I think all and all this was a very depressing class.

Monday, September 10, 2012

1.What is the population of the United States-313,847,465 people

2.What are the five largest countries in the world, by population?-China, India, US, Indonesia, Brazil

3.What is the population of Pakistan?-190,291,129 people

4.What kind of government does the United States have?-Constitution-based federal republic; strong democratic tradition

5.What is the unemployment rate in Zimbabwe?- 95%

6.What is the largest country in the world by area?- Afghanistan

7.What country has the third greatest number of airports?-Mexico

8.What country has the greatest number of exports?-$18.18million

9.What country exports more oil than any other?-Saudi Arabia

10.What country imports more oil than any other?-United States

11.What country consumes more oil than any other?-United States

12.Can women serve in combat roles in China’s military?-Yes

13.What is GDP?-Gross domestic product

14.What country has the highest GDP per capita in the world, and how much is it?- Liechtenstein;$141,100

15.Is the US in the top ten for GDP per capita?-no

16.Most of the countries with the highest birth rates can be found in what continent?- No health care, unhealthy conditions

17.11 of the top 12 countries with the highest number of deaths from HIV/AIDS can be

found in which continent?-Africa and Asia

18.What other country is in the top ten?-China

19.Where does the US rank in HIV/AIDS deaths?-64

20.Is the US #1 in number of cellular phones?-No

21.What percentage of the US is Roman Catholic?-23.9%

22.What percentage of Mexico is Roman Catholic?-76.5%

23.What is Net Migration Rate?- The amount of people who immigrate each year.

24.Does the US have the highest Net Migration Rate in the world?-Yes

25.What is the current population of the entire planet?-7,021,836,029

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Today in class we took notes on note taking. The first this Mr. Schick talked about was you don’t need to have complete sentences and you can abbreviate words instead of spelling the whole word out. Also, you should not worry and spelling as long as you know what the word is your fine. Taking notes is not easy, you have to write quickly and be able to keep you even after the teacher has changed subjects. Plus you need to make sense, there are a million different ways to take notes, just do what’s easiest for you. It takes skill to take notes. Then we were done taking notes on taking notes Mr. Schick tested our skills by reading a story about Illinois. Like the fact that is the most populated state in the mid-west region. Next, Chicago is not the capital but is more populated then the capital itself. Illinois is nicknamed the prairie state because it is mostly flat and corn fields.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Today day in Human Geo we talked about writing notes. Then we debated on the topic of wiki and if it was a good source for writhing papers or not. Mr. Schick thinks that Wiki is one of the best starting sources for papers. He finds it silly that so many other teachers are against using it. This is because so many people think that you and I can go in and change information, but believe it or not you’re wrong.  This is because you have to register and go through different processes to be allowed to change information. To Mr. Schick it is the world’s best encyclopedia, and to tell you the truth I agree. Yes, I realize that you can’t use it as a primary souse for projects, but it’s a great way to narrow down a broad topic into a couple options. Finally, after this discussion Mr. Schick showed you different websites and we had to decide if they were legit or not. One way of doing so is by look at the way the page is set up. Also, you can sometimes tell by the way a website ends. Like if a website ends with .gov you know everything on that site is true.  Only sometimes you can  tell if a website is legit or not if it ends in .com or .org. This is because no one can use that ending but the government. These are just two of many ways to tell if you can trust a website or not.

Monday, September 3, 2012


Essay 1

        The word, Arêtes mean you are supper smart.  It’s like you’re a straight a student and a year above your grade level. Also, Philosophers, and just about every other job have to be smart to. Each job you need a different kind of smart. Like a Scientist you need to know how to do math and know all of the current events. Writers need to be good at English, finding errors and correcting their own papers. Then you have teachers who need to be good at all of the basic to the most advanced. SO even today when we don’t use the word Arêtes we still have similar words that mean the same things. The other definition I found in Arêtes is sharp ridged.  When I hear this I think about mountains, or hill tops. This makes me think maybe that ancient Greece used rocks to build some of their larger structures. Maybe this definition is knew and was not around in ancient Greece. This is truly possible when you think about all of the words that have been added and taken out of the dictionary every year.

Essay 2

For our second essay we had to talk about what if Elbert and Socrates came into the present day. What would they think about the world and how it has changed?  If I saw Elbert and Socrates walk into McDonalds I would go over and start to question them.  I would ask things like what do you think about the way people are?  I would also say something like, have you seen how people can just use a computer to right and look up different things with the touch of a button.  I would imagine Elbert bring up the message to Garcia, and how on one could do what Rowan did. Also, he would complain that everyone can just look things up and it’s not the same as when you have to look it up in a book.  Then I think that Socrates would be like this people really need a fly in their lives. No one is bugging then to do things.  I think that Socrates and Elbert would be ashamed of what we the world has become today.

Essay 3

                For our third and final essay we had to talk about how we are going to approach our next four years of high school. For my next four years of high school I plan on taking it one grade at a time. This year is going to be the year that I adjust to everything John Carroll has to offer. I’m going to put a 110% effort forward. I’m not going to wait until the last minute for projects and studying for test. That  every year after that I will try just a hard. I’m not going to give up as easy as before. It’s going to be even harder to get into a good college than it was a good high school. This is because Colleges are looking for good grades and not so much athletics. I plan on doing my best in the time I’m at John Carroll. I will make every moment count.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

On Friday we went over all the vocabulary words that we had to define on Thursday. Like the death of Socrates, which was when Socrates made the statement if from of the court. I am the fly and this town the horse that stirs people up. The funny thing is all he had to do was apologize and he would have been freed, but no he stood up for what he believed in. We also talked about who Socrates was and what he did. Socrates was a thinker, he questioned everyone. Then we talked about the rest of the words and saw a couple picture of the day Socrates died. One of the pictures was kind of funny because they  made Socrates look all buff and heroic even though he had a painful death ahead of him and was an older man. We also found out that we had three essays due by mid-night Monday night. The first one is we have to define the word arête is our own words, and then say how the Greeks demonstrated it.  The second essay is if Elbert and Socrates came into the present day what they would think about the world and how it has changed. Finally the third essay is describing how we are going to approach our next four year of high school.