Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Today in class we went over the video. It was pretty cool hearing everyone’s opinions on the different facts. For example someone thought that it was cool how many tweets are posted a second. Then Mr. Schick ask who had a twitter and if the tweeted anything in the last 24 hours. About seven said they had. Someone else found the one about Facebook pretty interesting, like the fact that it is available in 70 different languages.  Mr. Schick then brought up the fact that someone in one of his other classes said something like there are post that say: if you have brown eyes like. This is every true, after that he asked how many people actually like those post. I think one person said yes. Mr. Schick questioned her because he did not find the point. Her response was “because I do have brown eyes.”   Finally we finished up with fact that we are preparing people for jobs that don’t even exist yet. I found this strange because how can we prepare people for things we don’t even know about yet. I mean we don’t have any idea what the jobs will be but people will be able to apply for that job because they already know how to that job. How is that?


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