Monday, September 24, 2012

Today day in Human geo we took our first quiz. I was very nervous at first because I did my best to study but I could not remember everything.  I was freaking out because I did not want to fail and have my grade drop. Once he handed it out I skimmed it and thought to myself this will not be as bad as I though. I was hoping Mr. Schick would let us use our blogs or notes, but he said no because the class before did not get to so it would not be fair. Once I started I breezed through it. Everything just flowed back into my head. A couple stumped me but I did the bonus so it should help. Once everyone finished we started a movie, “God Grew Tired of Us.” The movie is based off true events that happened less than two decades ago. It was a war between north and south Sudan. It talks about the Lost Boy’s trek and what they when though. It was so sad, but I kind of want to see more. I can’t wait for class on Wednesday so we can keep watching it.  

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