Thursday, September 20, 2012

Today in Human Geo we started our presentations about the different countries.  We only got two completely finished. My group got to start ours, but then the bell rang. From the groups that went the power points seemed pretty interesting. There was a lot of good fact presented. To my surprise the immigration rates for the two groups that went the numbers were nowhere close to each other. One group was high on the list and the other was really low.  It was neat how everyone set up their slides compared to ours. Some had their in order by person and other by importance to the country. Not that they were not all important, but some people care more about the unemployment rate then the birth rate. Then Mr. Schick started ours and then the time the bell was supposed to ring it never did. So we are up there and everyone was packing up. Finally after three extra minutes the bell finally rang. I think all and all this was one of my favorite classes so far.

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