Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Today in Mr. Schick’s we went over the homework from Monday night. The homework was answering questions using the CIA world fact book.  After each question Mr. Schick would explain in a little more detail. Then at one point the topic came up about nukes, and how so many countries have then but the US was the only country to actually use them.  The only time we used a nuke was in World War 2 on Japan.  After that Mr. Schick stated to talk about the fact that if someone was to drop one on the capital we would all die because we are in the 200 mile diameter. If you did not think that was depressing it did not just stop with that. Every question that came up had a somewhat depressing story to go along. Like the fact that if we though the unemployment rate was bad right now, it was much worst less than a century ago.  Which means it is totally possible that it could happen again. I think all and all this was a very depressing class.

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