Monday, September 3, 2012


Essay 1

        The word, Arêtes mean you are supper smart.  It’s like you’re a straight a student and a year above your grade level. Also, Philosophers, and just about every other job have to be smart to. Each job you need a different kind of smart. Like a Scientist you need to know how to do math and know all of the current events. Writers need to be good at English, finding errors and correcting their own papers. Then you have teachers who need to be good at all of the basic to the most advanced. SO even today when we don’t use the word Arêtes we still have similar words that mean the same things. The other definition I found in Arêtes is sharp ridged.  When I hear this I think about mountains, or hill tops. This makes me think maybe that ancient Greece used rocks to build some of their larger structures. Maybe this definition is knew and was not around in ancient Greece. This is truly possible when you think about all of the words that have been added and taken out of the dictionary every year.

Essay 2

For our second essay we had to talk about what if Elbert and Socrates came into the present day. What would they think about the world and how it has changed?  If I saw Elbert and Socrates walk into McDonalds I would go over and start to question them.  I would ask things like what do you think about the way people are?  I would also say something like, have you seen how people can just use a computer to right and look up different things with the touch of a button.  I would imagine Elbert bring up the message to Garcia, and how on one could do what Rowan did. Also, he would complain that everyone can just look things up and it’s not the same as when you have to look it up in a book.  Then I think that Socrates would be like this people really need a fly in their lives. No one is bugging then to do things.  I think that Socrates and Elbert would be ashamed of what we the world has become today.

Essay 3

                For our third and final essay we had to talk about how we are going to approach our next four years of high school. For my next four years of high school I plan on taking it one grade at a time. This year is going to be the year that I adjust to everything John Carroll has to offer. I’m going to put a 110% effort forward. I’m not going to wait until the last minute for projects and studying for test. That  every year after that I will try just a hard. I’m not going to give up as easy as before. It’s going to be even harder to get into a good college than it was a good high school. This is because Colleges are looking for good grades and not so much athletics. I plan on doing my best in the time I’m at John Carroll. I will make every moment count.

1 comment:

  1. #1: 22/25 (B+). Good essay, except you might be a bit confused about arete meaning smart. It actually refers to excellence. It's not about being smartest, it's about making the most of what you have.

    #2: 23/25 (A-). I like your points about Hubbard, but don't you think Socrates might be happy we still have a democracy, all these years later?

    #3: 21/25 (B). Is there a five-point plan here? I was looking for five distinct ways you could show excellence in your time at JC.
