Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Today day in Human Geo we talked about writing notes. Then we debated on the topic of wiki and if it was a good source for writhing papers or not. Mr. Schick thinks that Wiki is one of the best starting sources for papers. He finds it silly that so many other teachers are against using it. This is because so many people think that you and I can go in and change information, but believe it or not you’re wrong.  This is because you have to register and go through different processes to be allowed to change information. To Mr. Schick it is the world’s best encyclopedia, and to tell you the truth I agree. Yes, I realize that you can’t use it as a primary souse for projects, but it’s a great way to narrow down a broad topic into a couple options. Finally, after this discussion Mr. Schick showed you different websites and we had to decide if they were legit or not. One way of doing so is by look at the way the page is set up. Also, you can sometimes tell by the way a website ends. Like if a website ends with .gov you know everything on that site is true.  Only sometimes you can  tell if a website is legit or not if it ends in .com or .org. This is because no one can use that ending but the government. These are just two of many ways to tell if you can trust a website or not.

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